Monday, January 18, 2010

... More Condition_symptomsrecral Bleeding Why Do Chinese People Have More Dignity And Pride Than Other People When Dealing With Adversities?

Why do Chinese people have more dignity and pride than other people when dealing with adversities? - ... more condition_symptomsrecral bleeding

In the '70s, when China was still poor, China is, unfortunately, affected by an earthquake of 8.2 is Haiti more than a few days ago.

China still needs to ask help from someone, but he uses his own efforts to cope with this chaos, damage and rebuilding the city itself, laid waste, without a single complaint.

Do you think that the Chinese people more dignity and more to cope with adversity?


ღMarcus the Championღ said...

Perhaps that is why they have lasted over 5000 years?

I love Chinese. Baby.

Ni hao ma?

Humanitarian of the year said...

Now China has a much larger population than Haiti. China has forced other countries to pay their repremends such as Japan and England.

Several events in China are not as they should be reported because of government censorship.

If the Chinese are more dignity, than why a government that does not even have the value of human life?

PEACE said...

The Chinese have a rich culture, but China is slowly disintegrating. People in modern society do not build empires and can not say that it is the size. Proud you are lead to nothing. What were you in China lately? They are so proud of something he did not.

Haiti used to split off well for themselves in a time.The Africans to build and the Europeans use the Africans for their agricultural skills. What Goes Up will fall.

A comparison of two different histories and cultures. That's not cool.

garden fairy 庭のようせい said...

Many Americans are blind ignorance of the world and how it works. Ours is the best way. "America is the greatest country on the face of the earth." Or say my personal favorite, when people, which is along the lines of "God on the American side."
It is an arrogant attitude.

also one of the safest in the world. Our TV edited and censored, goes the nation is a scandal surrounding a nipple. As a nation, our modesty unique. We see violence on television and in the news, in fact, is the death and suffering almost everything that makes the news in those days. But challenges our fundamental human rights are suppressed, and we felt embarrassed for them ourselves.

I think that's the problem with America that they think are so great, they are wrong because they, the government tells them they are the freest nation on.
We also have the highest poverty rate of any country indutrialized. The highest homicide rates. The best weapon of the sentence in connection with violence.
I thInk arrogant nourishes everything that is wrong

Liuzhou Laowai said...

Without a single complaint? In your dreams.

What do you mean to ask someone report ". The Chinese government has approved or rejected without debate, the help of people died and more than necessary.

Not only information from the Chinese propaganda.

kowana7c... said...

U can tell people what ever u want too. The Chinese know what it means to be an outsider. U think, to ask help from other countries give a shiit, like affirmative action, equal rights, equal opportunity, No. R for Chinese. The Chinese people always know what to expect.

gyro said...

Because we live in a unified society. A multicultural society is weak, because all the worries about their rights. A unitary business is like living in a big family where everyone helps each other. This is why the Americans and the Europeans are easily controlled by the government

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